திரைப்பட நூலகம் மற்றும் கற்கை வள நிலையம்


Major Dundee

  • ஆண்டு: 1965
  • Edition: First edition
  • இயக்குனர்: Sam Peckinpah
  • Actors: Charlton Heston,Richard Harris,Jim Hutton,James Coburn
  • Writer: Harry Julian Fink (story),Harry Julian Fink (screenplay),Oscar Saul (screenplay),Sam Peckinpah (screenplay)

Summary: In 1864, due to frequent Apache raids from Mexico into the U.S., a Union officer decides to illegally cross the border and destroy the Apache, using a mixed army of Union troops, Confederate POWs, civilian mercenaries, and scouts.

  • Format: DVD
  • Languages: ஆங்கிலம்,French,Spanish